Information about Application Bee

How it works

Frequently Asked Questions

Authenticity, Privacy, and Security

How can I be sure that Application Bee listings are real successful applications?

We take integrity extremely seriously. We do the following to ensure that listings are genuine:

  • All listings on Application Bee need to be accompanied by proof that the seller got an offer, such as a screenshot of their offer or a tagged photo containing the seller's ID card. Listings not accompanied by proof are not approved.

  • Our moderators personally review every single listing. If a listing looks suspicious, we don't approve it until the seller supplies evidence they received an offer. Our moderators frequently request sellers to provide further proof via email, such as a photo of the seller's ID card or an email from an institutional email address.

We also advise buyers to use their discretion. If something seems off about a listing, don’t buy it, or conduct further inquiries until you’re satisfied it's legitimate. For example, ask the seller to send you an email from a university/company email address.

My CV/resume/cover letter/personal statement contains personal information. How can I protect my privacy?

You should redact personal details like your name, address, phone number and email.

For other details, such as company names or your college/university, use your discretion. If a school or company listed on your CV is small and could lead to you being personally identified, you can replace it with a more general descriptor. For example, you could change “Yale College” to “[Ivy League college]” or “Investment Banking Intern at Goldman Sachs” to “[investment banking intern at bulge bracket investment bank]”.

However, remember that the more you redact or alter your documents, the less helpful they can be for buyers. You might receive negative reviews if you redact too much useful information, so try to strike a balance between protecting your privacy and ensuring your documents remain useful to buyers.

‍☠️ I’m worried about buyers distributing my documents after they’ve bought them.

The easiest way to minimize the likelihood of distribution is to add a unique watermark to each document you sell before you send it to the buyer.

A good example watermark is “Personal copy for [buyer’s full name], [buyer’s email address]. Purchased from [URL of your Application Bee user profile]. Copying and sharing prohibited.”

Sellers retain all rights to their documents. Any user who distributes documents purchased on Application Bee will be banned.

✏️ Will my buyers just copy my documents?


Any prospective applicant serious enough to use Application Bee knows that submitting a plagiarized application will get them rejected.

They know that hiring managers and admission panels remember previous applications and use sophisticated plagiarism software, and that applicants who submit a directly or partially copied application are instantly rejected and permanently blacklisted.

Applicants use Application Bee to improve their chances of getting an offer  not to get rejected!

✍️ Listings

➡️ How are documents delivered after payment?

Sellers should email a watermarked PDF to the buyer within 48 hours.

  • Buyers: enter your email address in the message box on the checkout screen.
  • Sellers: email the watermarked PDF to the buyer's email address within 48 hours.

ℹ️ What information should my listing title and description contain?

Make your listing titles and descriptions accurate and detailed so that your listings (1) help buyers and (2) show up in search results.

Point 2 is critically important if your titles and descriptions contain common keywords that other applicants are searching for, your listing can rank on the first page of Google. This will drive extremely high traffic to your listing. For popular jobs/colleges/degrees, ranking on the first page can generate thousands of dollars in weekly sales.

Titles must include:

  • the type of document
  • the institution
  • the title of the job/degree
  • the year you received your offer. 

Here are some good examples:

  • "Stanford MBA personal statement (2023)"
  • "McKinsey business analyst CV - 2022 - London"
  • "Fulbright Scholarship personal statement (2023)"

For descriptions, give as much information you think is necessary. Recommended details include:

  • the country you're from
  • brief information about your background, especially if there's something unusual about it (e.g. international applicant, non-traditional background, etc.)
  • an outline of content of the document (sections, headings, word count, the questions it answers, etc.)
  • for global firms, your office location
  • Tipyour listing will rank higher if you include one or two links to authoritative web pages, like a company website (e.g. Goldman Sachs) or a degree information page (e.g. Harvard MBA)
    • To add a link in your listing, use the following formatting: [display text in square brackets](URL in round brackets)

☘️ How can I increase my sales?

Promote your listing as much as you can. There are two key strategies you can use:

  • If you have an audience already, let them know about your listings. For example, if you have a YouTube channel, tell your audience about your listings in your videos.
  • Create hyperlinks to your listings. The more links there are to your listings, the higher they will rank in search engine results and the more traffic they will receive. Add links to your Application Bee listing/s to your social media accounts/posts, YouTube video descriptions, blog posts, and forum profiles/posts.

⛰️ What image/s should I upload to accompany my listings?

We have only one rule: your listing must contain at least one image that proves your application was successful.

This can be either a screenshot of your offer (with appropriate redactions) or a tagged photo containing your institutional ID card (with appropriate redactions). To ensure the integrity of Application Bee, listings without proof will not be approved.

If you want, you can also upload other images. This is your opportunity to be creative. Upload whatever you think will attract buyers and increase trust. Have a look at some listings to get an idea of the sort of images you can upload.

Can I list my documents on Application Bee if I got an offer but didn’t take it up?

Yes, but you should mention this in your listing description. You’ll still need to upload proof that you received an offer.

I want to sell my documents, but my institution/program isn’t available. Can I use Application Bee?

At the moment, we only allow listings for the universities and companies available in the drop-down lists.

However, we're always open to adding new institutions. Send us an email with "Add my institution" in the subject line and we’ll look into adding your institution to our list of accepted schools and companies.

⛏️ There are no listings for the job/college/degree I’m applying to.

Application Bee is still new, so we won’t have examples of everything straight away.

We advise reaching out to successful applicants using LinkedIn, or messaging successful applicants who are active on forums, LinkedIn or social media, and asking them to upload their documents to Application Bee.

Successful applicants are far more likely to share their applications with you if they can make money doing so!

⛑️ Technical Help

When will I receive my money after I make a sale?

If it's your first sale, the money will arrive after at least 7 days. This is because Stripe waits at least 7 days before paying out first-time sellers as a security measure.

For all subsequent sales, you'll typically be paid out after 2-3 days, although the exact time frame depends on your currency/country. You can check Stripe's full list of payout waiting periods here, under the “Payout speed by country” heading.

I need help with a technical question/refund/etc.

Please contact our friendly customer service team using the "Contact us" button at the top of the page, or by sending us an email. We're more than happy to help.

⚙️ I have feedback or a suggestion.

We love getting suggestions and feedback because it helps us make Application Bee better. In the case of suggested improvements, new features and bug fixes, we can sometimes implement these in a matter of hours, provided they’re technically possible.

Please send us an email or use the "Contact us" button at the top of the page.

⚖️ Fine Print:

  • Prices are displayed in Australian dollars. This is because we're an Australian site (g'day from sunny Sydney! ☀️). Our payment processor, Stripe, easily handles currency conversion. We're working on getting prices displayed in local currencies!

  • No off-site transactions. You'll be banned. This is mostly for your own security (we can refund buyers who get scammed - although we've never had to!), but also because it's expensive to host Application Bee. Our commission keeps the site running.